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Middle East Peace Process in the New International Setting: Palestinian and Turkish Perspectives  
Haber Resim
28/03/2017- 1125 ANKARA- The event entitled “Middle East Peace Process in the New International Setting: Palestinian and Turkish Perspectives” was organized by TEPAV and ORSAM on 28th of March in Ankara. The meeting kicked off with opening remarks by panelists Amal [More]
Female Employment Decreased by 40 Thousand in the Past Year 60th Issue of TEPAV Employment Monitoring Bulletin is Published
Haber Resim
27/03/2017- 1323 Using the Social Security Institution (SGK) data for December 2016, the 60th issue of TEPAV’s Employment Monitoring Bulletin indicates that the number of female employees in formal employment decreased by 40 thousand in December 2016 compared to [More]
Employment, Employment Monitoring Bulletin,
The Vocational Training Model for the New Industrial Revolution Discussed at TEPAV
Haber Resim
05/03/2017- 2109 ANKARA- The topic “How to Design a Vocational Training Model for the New Industrial Revolution” was addressed at the meeting, held with the support of J.P. Morgan, on Tuesday, February 28th on TEPAV’s premises. The results of the Vocational Traini [More]
Decrease In The Expectations Has Negatively Affected Retail Confidence 86th issue of TEPAV Retail Confidence Index has been published.
Haber Resim
03/03/2017- 1323 TEPE which was following a negative course since February 2016, continued its decline through the last 13 months as well. TEPE declined both month-on-month and year-on-year basis in February 2017. With regards, the developments regarding the last 3 [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , TEPE,
A Roundtable Discussion on “Refugees and the Socio-Economic Integration in Turkey” Took Place at TOBB  
Haber Resim
20/02/2017- 998 Ankara – On February 20, 2017, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) organized and hosted a roundtable discussion on ‘Refugees and the Socio-Economic Integration in Turkey”. Relevant line ministries and public agencies (Mi [More]
What Can Turkey's Sovereign Wealth Fund Do With This Portfolio ? Evaluation Note / Emin Dedeoğlu
Haber Resim
16/02/2017- 2781 The Turkish Sovereign Wealth Fund (TWF) has recently been in the subject of public discussion since its establishment in August 2016. The National Lottery, games of chance and horse racing were placed in the Fund since. On February 5th, the subject [More]
Syrians and Labor Market Integration: Dynamics in Turkey and Germany Evaluation Note /  Omar Kadkoy
Haber Resim
03/02/2017- 1742 When the conflict broke out in Syria, the first to cross the Turkey–Syria border was a group of 252 Syrians in April 2011. In the almost six years since, more than five million Syrians have sought refuge in neighboring countries and the European Un [More]
Turkey’s Fastest Growing Company Came out of Antalya Ares Shipyard increased its sales by 4473% between 2012 and 2015.
Haber Resim
28/01/2017- 1934 ANKARA – Under the leadership of Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and TEPAV’s cooperation, the fastest growing 100 companies of Turkey have been designated. The award ceremony was hosted by TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıo [More]
Turkey 100,
China’s G20 Year and the New Paradigm: Emphasis on Global Governance Pointing the Way to 2017 and Beyond The report sheds light on the G20 agenda under Chinese leadership in 2016
Haber Resim
24/01/2017- 3603 The media launch of the report “China’s G20 Year and the New Paradigm: Emphasis on Global Governance Pointing the Way to 2017 and Beyond” was held at the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY) in Beijing on Dec [More]
Third Workshop of EU-Turkey Energy Dialogue for Energy in Black Sea Region Project Took Place in Ankara
Haber Resim
23/01/2017- 1500 Good governance in the energy sector is crucial for the success of the EU-Turkey energy dialogue because the collaboration between states is often difficult to achieve amid divergent energy policy paths. This was one of the main conclusions from th [More]