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Upgrading Customs Union Between Turkey And The European Union Is Not Only About Upgrading Customs Union Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp  
Haber Resim
19/02/2018- 5145   As they generally say for football, currently the process of up upgrading customs union between Turkey and the European Union (EU) is not only about upgrading customs union. Although the initial motive was rather technical and economic, currentl [More]
EU - Turkey Relations, European Union,
2018 Starts Off With A Decline In The Retail Confidence 97th issue of TEPAV Retail Confidence Index has been published.  
Haber Resim
02/02/2018- 1043   TEPE, which had been -17.1 points in 2017, was -15.1 points in January  2018. The Index saw a decrease by 1.4 points compared to the previous month and an increase by 0.8 points compared to the same month of last year. The monthly decrease is at [More]
TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) , TEPE,
The Number of Applicants for Unemployment Compensation Decreased by 20 Thousand In One Year 68th Issue of TEPAV Employment Bulletin Is Published
Haber Resim
30/01/2018- 1258 Using the Social Security Institution (SSI) data for October 2017 and İSKUR data for November 2017, TEPAV’s Employment Monitoring Bulletin’s 68th issue shows that in November 2017, the number of applicants for unemployment compensation decreased by [More]
Employment, Employment Monitoring Bulletin,
Retail Confidence In 2017 Is Lower Than The 2009 Level 96th issue of TEPAV Retail Confidence Index has been published.  
Haber Resim
04/01/2018- 1152   Although retail confidence increased in December compared to last year and last month, it closed 2017 at a negative level. With regards, the business activities in the past 3 months and the expectation of orders, sales and employment in the next [More]
TEPE, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
The Number of SMEs Increased by 101 Thousand in a Year 67th Issue of TEPAV’s Employment Monitoring Bulletin is Published  
Haber Resim
21/12/2017- 1322   Using the Social Security Institution (SSI) data for September 2017, the 67th issue of TEPAV’s Employment Monitoring Bulletin indicates that the number of SMEs increased by 101 thousand in September 2017 compared to September 2016. The province [More]
Employment, Employment Monitoring Bulletin,
The First Armenian-Turkish Social Entrepreneurship Exchange Project Has Been Completed with Success  
Haber Resim
14/12/2017- 1425   Within the framework of “Democracy Commission Small Grants Program” of the United States Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia-based Public Journalism Club (PJC) with its partner in Turkey the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), and wit [More]
Entrepreneurship , Armenia, Turkey - Armenia Relations,
Business Activity Is Not Recovering, Sales Expectation Is Low 95th issue of TEPAV Retail Confidence Index has been published.
Haber Resim
04/12/2017- 1299   TEPE was -18.3 points in November 2017. The Index saw a decrease by 1.7 points compared to the previous month and by 0.9 points compared to the same month of last year. With this decline on an annual basis, 13 months of downward trend that pause [More]
TEPE, TEPAV Retail Confidence Indicator (TEPE) ,
Employment Increased by 794 Thousand in a Year, 124 Thousand in a Month 66th Issue of TEPAV’s Employment Monitoring Bulletin is Published  
Haber Resim
22/11/2017- 1507   Using the Social Security Institution (SSI) data for August 2017, the 66th issue of TEPAV’s Employment Monitoring Bulletin indicates that the number of employees in formal employment increased by 5,9 percent in August 2017 compared to August 201 [More]
Employment, Employment Monitoring Bulletin,
Diabetes Conference at TEPAV The effect of compliance and continuity in the treatment of diabetes to its cost in Turkey was discussed at the meeting held in TEPAV.  
Haber Resim
21/11/2017- 1366   On November 21, with the support of Lilly Pharmaceuticals and the IQVIA Institute, key stakeholders in diabetes management came together at TEPAV. In the world and in Turkey, the place of diabetes on the global agenda as well as its economic bu [More]
Health Sector,
Energy Transition is an Opportunity for Turkish Industry
Haber Resim
07/11/2017- 2603 A workshop was held on “Energy Machinery Foreign Trade: State of Play and Opportunities” based on the same titled report released by TEPAV experts on November 1st, 2017. According to this study, which compares renewable energy resources (specifical [More]