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The Parlous State Of Turkey-EU Relations:Searching for a Bridge over Troubled Waters Evaluation Note/ Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
18/11/2019- 2349     Turkey and the European Union (EU) have always been mutually dependent via several economic, political, diplomatic and cultural links.  Hence, in principle, they should count on each other to formulate and implement solutions for key challeng [More]
EU - Turkey Relations,
Two Astonishing Aspects of The New European Commission Evaluation Note/ Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
12/09/2019- 1782     On 10th of September, the new European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen has presented the commissioner designates put forward by the member states. They will go through the scrutiny of the European Parliament through the hearings to [More]
European Commission,
Logbook of The Turkish Economy| Fifth Log Turkish TARP: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions | Burak Dalgın, Güven Sak
Haber Resim
11/09/2019- 3208   We published two papers in April and May 2019 to make the case for a Turkish Troubled Assets Restructuring Program (“TARP”). Our main argument was that a public private partnership was needed to carve out toxic assets (non-performing and watc [More]
Syrian Entrepreneurship and Refugee Start-ups in Turkey: Leveraging the Turkish Experience  
Haber Resim
26/08/2019- 8975   A recent study of the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey shows that Syrian entrepreneurs provide a living for 7 percent of the 3.5 million Syrians in Turkey. Over the course of eight years, Syrians in Turkey established more than 10,0 [More]
TEPAV Bulletin of Companies with Syrian Capital April 2019
Haber Resim
12/06/2019- 1108     In April 2019, the number of companies established with Syrian partner(s) decreased by 45 percent and the capital invested by the Syrian partner(s) decreased by 35 percent compared to the same period of the previous year In April 2019, 72 [More]
Logbook of The Turkish Economy: Fourth Log | Turkish TARP, But How? Burak DALGIN, Güven SAK  
Haber Resim
23/05/2019- 3022   In our previous note, we made the case for a Turkish Troubled Assets Restructuring Program (TARP) to restore flow of credit (and hence g [More]
Time to Enhance The Customs Union Evaluation Note/ N. Murat Ersavcı
Haber Resim
12/05/2019- 2122     Everyone seems to agree that the time has come to expand the Customs Union between Turkey and the European Union. A quarter of a century has gone by since it was launched at the start of 1996. At the time it was considered a step towards the [More]
TEPAV report “Syrians in Istanbul and Post-War Syrian Ghettos” just released  
Haber Resim
28/04/2019- 2464   Ankara – Findings of the project on “Syrians in Istanbul and Post-War Syrian Ghettos” was discussed on Thursday, April 18, 2019 at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV).  Migration is an urban issue almost everywhere includin [More]
Ghetto, War Syrian Ghettos, Syrian,
2019 TEPAV Summer School The deadline for applications is 24 May, 2019
Haber Resim
08/04/2019- 2974   As TEPAV, we are accepting applications for our 2019 Summer School Program. We offer successful undergraduate and graduate students, as well as the recently graduated a chance to gain experience and improve themselves in the fields TEPAV is act [More]
Summer School,
Logbook of The Turkish Economy – Second Log Reensuring Flow of Credit To Return To Growth:  The Case For A Turkish Troubled Assets Restructuring Program / Burak DALGIN, Güven SAK
Haber Resim
05/04/2019- 3311     Over the past decades, Turkish economic growth was fueled by availability of credit. A potential credit starvation poses a significant risk for the private sector, which has been the main beneficiary of the last decade. In order to avoid a [More]