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Keywords: 30

World Bank Private Sector Working Group Decides To Integrate Itself Into The Ankara Forum
22/06/2007 Ankara- The Private Sector Working Group (PSWG), gathering Israeli and Palestinian businessmen and initiated in 2005 within the World Bank, has decided to dissolve itself and continue its activities within the Ankara Forum.   In a letter to the me [More]
Hiltermann Spoke at TEPAV for the Fifth Time
17/04/2007 Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) organized its fifth meeting with the Deputy Program Director for the Middle East and North Africa at the International Crisis Group, Mr. Joost Hiltermann, on Thursday, April 17, 2007. In this meet [More]
Fifth Meeting of the Ankara Forum Was Held In Washington
Haber Resim
30/03/2007 WASHINGTON D.C - The meeting was headed by the President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Mr. M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu who is also the Chairman of the Ankara Forum. Vice-Chairmen, Mr. Ahmed Hashem Al-Zughair, the Presi [More]
Fourth Meeting of the Ankara Forum Was Held in Tel Aviv.
15/01/2007 Fourth meeting of the Ankara Forum for Economic Cooperation between Palestine, Israel and Turkey was held on January 15, 2007 in Tel Aviv. The Forum members expressed their happiness to convene again, first time since September 2005. It was noted tha [More]
Turkey Can Be Very Active In The Region
05/09/2006 Economic Policy Research Institute (TEPAV|EPRI) organized a meeting entitled "Prospects for the Peace Process in Palestine" featuring the former Foreign Minister of the Palestinian National Authority and the current member of the Palestinian Parliame [More]
''Kerkuk Report'' Presented in TEPAV Has Been Published by International Crisis Group
21/07/2006 Middle East Project Director of the International Crisis Group,  Joost Hiltermann evaluated the future of Kirkuk before the publication of a report by ICG on the same issue at the meeting organized by TEPAV on June 1, 2006. The report named ''Iraq a [More]
"How to Tackle the Kirkuk Question?"
01/06/2006   TEPAV|EPRI organized its third meeting with the Middle East Project Director of the International Crisis Group, Mr. Joost Hiltermann on June 1, 2006 . In this meeting, Mr. Hilterman talked about the recent political developments in Iraq after the [More]
"Turkish-American Relations in Line with the Recent Developments in Iran"
27/04/2006 TEPAV | EPRI organized a meeting entitled "Turkish-American Relations in line with the recent developments in Iran", hosting Bulent Aliriza, the Director of the Turkey Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). The first me [More]
President of the Palestinian National Authority Mr. Mahmoud Abbas Visited Ankara
25/04/2006 President of the Palestinian National Authority Mr. Mahmoud Abbas who came to Ankara upon an official invitation visited the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and met with its President, Mr. M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu as w [More]
"International Energy Sector Security in a Post-Iraq Threat Environment"
25/04/2006 Economic Policy Research Institute (TEPAV|EPRI) organized a round-table discussion on "International Energy Sector Security in a Post-Iraq Threat Environment" with the participation of  Prof. Martin Rudner (Director of the Canadian Centre of Intelli [More]