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Keywords: Women

TEPAV Assesses the Tenth Development Plan (2) The Tenth Development Plan and an Old Question: Can Women Boost Turkey’s Growth? | An Evaluation Note by Güneş A. Aşık
Haber Resim
15/08/2013 "Promoting women’s employment is a major issue that will come to the fore in international economic platforms in the near future. With the tightened global liquidity and reduced chances for growth driven by cheap foreign funds, developing countri [More]
TEPAV Dances to Protest Violence against Women… TEPAV danced alongside the world to protest violence against women.
Haber Resim
14/02/2013   ANKARA – TEPAV supported the campaign which invited one billion people worldwide to protest violence against women on Thursday, February 14th, 2013. TEPAV personnel gathered at a dance event to rise up in protest of violence against women in [More]