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Keywords: 10

Lobbying at the EU: Methods and Implications for the Turkish Business World
05/12/2005 TEPAV|EPRI in cooperation with the Regional Environmental Center in Turkey (REC), organized a training program on lobbying in the European Union for the Turkish business world. The Vice President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of T [More]
EU Accession and Negotiation Techniques
24/04/2005 In view of the impending opening of accession negotiations with Turkey on 3 October 2005 it is important for the Turkish business sector to understand the way negotiations for accession to the European Union are conducted and what these negotiations [More]
The Role of the Private Sector in the EU Accession Process: The Experience of the Brussels Representation of Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ)
23/02/2005 Tepav | EPRI hosted Dr. Stefan Pistauer, who is  the Head of Austrian Federal Chamber for the Economy in Brussels, on the occasion of "Role of Private Sector at the EU Accession Process" meeting. [More]