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Keywords: 30

The Turkish Economy in 2000-2010: “Not a Lost Decade, But Vulnerabilities Exist” Economist Eken stated that growth was not inclusive enough and rapid growth did not remedy unemployment.
Haber Resim
14/01/2013 ANKARA –Turkey’s economic performance in the first decade of the 2000s was brought to the table at TEPAV. Dr. Sena Eken, Retired Senior Economist at the IMF and the co-author of the book “Turkey 2000-10: A Decade of Transition - Discussions A [More]
Merih Celasun Memorial Day Events End with a Panel on Agricultural Productivity and Growth During a panel carried out at TEPAV, key findings of the Celasun Award winner study were presented by Dr. Murat Üngör.
Haber Resim
22/06/2012 ANKARA – The Second Merih Celasun Memorial Day events carried out by TEPAV ended with a panel themed “Growth and Agricultural Productivity: A Cross-country Comparison.” During the panel, the study that won the Merih Celasun 2011 Award title [More]
Famous Economist Prof. Daron Acemoğlu Underscores the Importance of Politics… Speaking at the 2nd Merih Celasun Memorial Day organized by TEPAV, Acemoğlu stressed that Turkey’s democratization process was slow-paced and full of risks.
Haber Resim
20/06/2012   ANKARA – Daron Acemoğlu, Professor of Economics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and two-time nominee for the Nobel Prize, stated that considering the future of the Turkish economy, how political risks were managed was of highe [More]
Do Turks Prefer Urban Land Over Savings? Commentary/Esen Çağlar
Haber Resim
07/05/2012   "Our weak savings performance is perhaps the only issue upon which economists watching Turkey agree. Among them, some consider low savings as driven by low growth, and state that when other factors limiting growth are eliminated, the savings ra [More]
The European Union has to be Turkey’s Growth Story Commentary / Esen Çağlar
Haber Resim
19/03/2012 "Ever more of us nowadays think that the crisis in Europe has shaken the foundations of Turkey’s European Union (EU) project. Looking at the acceleration of the trade figures between Turkey, the Middle East, and North Africa, some get caught u [More]
Commentary/Esen Çağlar Are women in our cities not working because of insufficient subway systems?
Haber Resim
09/01/2012   "There is a debate we have missed out on due to the tumultuous agenda of the week: The Mayor of the Istanbul, Kadir Topbaş, said that the dolmuş (a shared transportation system where the rate is paid by the distance traveled) will gradually [More]
Merih Celasun 2011 Award Winner Announced Merih Celasun 2011 Award given to the article titled "Agricultural Productivity and Growth in Turkey" by Prof. Ayşe İmrohoroğlu and Prof. Selahattin İmrohoroğlu of South Califonia University and Dr. Murat Üngör of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey.
Haber Resim
16/12/2011 ANKARA- The Competition for the Merih Celasun Awards launched by TEPAV has ended. Winner of this first competition was the study titled "Agricultural Productivity and Growth in Turkey" by Prof. Ayşe İmrohoroğlu and Prof. Selahattin İmrohoroğlu [More]
Policy Note/Sarp Kalkan Growth Record Albeit the “Tightened” Monetary Policy
Haber Resim
16/12/2011 "Turkey has demonstrated a noteworthy growth performance in a period when the ongoing debt crisis in Europe turned first into a banking crisis and then into a political crisis. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew year-on-year by 8.2 percent, the seco [More]
Fastest Growing Turkish Company: KÇS Cement from Kahramanmaraş… 25 Fast Growth Companies of Turkey were announced at the “Entrepreneurship Summit.”
Haber Resim
03/12/2011   ISTANBUL – Winners of the Turkey 25 Project TEPAV carried out in cooperation with TOBB and the AllWorld Network of Harvard University were announced. The winner of the project which identified the 25 fastest growing companies of Turkey was K [More]
TEPAV is Accepting Applications for the Merih Celasun Award TEPAV is now accepting applications for the first Merih Celasun Award. The application deadline is September 15th, 2011
Haber Resim
06/07/2011 ANKARA - TEPAV has launched an annual award in the memory of Prof. Dr. Merih Celasun, who created remarkable solutions to Turkey's structural problems throughout his career. This year's topic will be "Turkey's growth problems" and applications are [More]