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Keywords: The Kurdish Issue

The Latest Report of the International Crisis Group on the Kurdish Issue Discussed The report assesses the peace process Turkey carries on to solve the Kurdish and PKK issues.
Haber Resim
10/10/2013 ANKARA – TEPAV hosted a meeting to discuss the International Crisis Group (ICG) report titled “Crying ‘Wolf’: Why Turkish Fears Need not Block Kurdish Reform” on Thursday, 10 October 2013. The meeting was moderated by TEPAV EU Institute [More]
American Political Scientist Arato Reiterates the Consensus Message for a New Constitution Speaking at a meeting organized by TEPAV to contribute to the constitution-making process, Arato said the presidential issue would be an issue with which Turkey will face great difficulty.
Haber Resim
13/02/2013 ANKARA – Stressing that the current environment was more optimistic in terms of the constitution-making process compared to his previous visit to Turkey two years earlier, Arato reiterated the consensus message. The meeting, titled “Learning f [More]
The View of the Kurdish Issue from Diyarbakir in the Latest ICG Report The report, which gives an overview of the issue and offer solutions accordingly, was discussed at TEPAV.
Haber Resim
07/12/2012 ANKARA – International Crisis Group’s (ICG) latest report, titled “Turkey’s Kurdish Impasse: The View from Diyarbakir,” was discussed during a meeting at TEPAV on Friday, 7 December 2012. Didem Akyel Collinsworth, ICG Turkey and Cyprus An [More]