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Keywords: World Trade Organization

Bozkurt Aran - "Global Partnership Quests - New Contentious Dynamics in Trade and Prospects for Turkey in an age of TPP and TTIP" The eleventh edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Bozkurt Aran, Director ofthe Center for Multilateral Trade Studies at TEPAV
Haber Resim
13/09/2013 "The brief looks at how the necessity to maintain and develop the current trading system has led to new quests, namely the Transpacifi c Partnership (TPP); and Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Both of the initiatives are comp [More]
TOBB President Calls WTO Director Lamy to Assure Confidence TEPAV’s guest Lamy shared the agenda of the upcoming 9th Ministerial Conference of the WTO, to be held in Ankara, and listened to the audience’s expectations from the conference.
Haber Resim
15/03/2013   ANKARA / ISTANBUL – Pascal Lamy, Director General, World Trade Organization (WTO), was hosted by TEPAV during his first official visit to Turkey before the Ministerial Conference scheduled in December. At the meeting, TOBB President M. Rifat [More]
TEPAV Director Sak: “It is the Right Time for Agricultural Policy Design to Achieve the 2023 Targets” TEPAV hosted the Conference titled "Agricultural Policy Development and the Multilateral Trading System", which gathered experts in the field and decision-makers.
Haber Resim
24/09/2012 ANKARA – TEPAV Director Güven Sak stated that problems in the food industry, which constitutes 10 percent of all manufacturing industry output in Turkey, can not be solved without addressing agricultural problems. He stressed that it was the rig [More]
TEPAV to Monitor the World Trade Organization Ambassador Bozkurt Aran, former Permanent Representative of Turkey to the WTO, has been appointed to the TEPAV Center for Multilateral Trade Studies (MUTS)
Haber Resim
08/08/2012   ANKARA – TEPAV established the Center for Multilateral Trade Studies (MUTS) to follow developments in the world trading system and the multilateral trade negotiations of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Ambassador Bozkurt Aran, former Perm [More]