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Keywords: 20

Where is Turkey for Global Competition on Lisbon Agenda?
15/02/2008 The first regional seminar of Project on Inter-Institutional Cooperation and Training to Raise Awareness on Lisbon Strategy is going to be carried out on 18 February 2008 under the host of Aegean Region Chamber of Industry (EBSO). Within the framewor [More]
Bulgarian Delegation Visited TEPAV with the Minister
15/11/2007 The Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) and the Embassy of Republic of Bulgaria in Turkey created a platform to observe the Bulgarian experience during the EU accession process by inviting the masterminds of the process from Bulgari [More]
Lisbon Agenda Training Seminars Held in Ankara
16/10/2007 The training phase of the Project for Awareness Raising on Lisbon Agenda undertaken by a TEPAV-British Embassy-EPIC partnership was completed in Ankara on October 16-19, 2007. The training seminars for the Project for Awareness Raising on the Lisbon [More]
"Talking Turkey" European Parliament Meeting
03/10/2007 Ankara-based think-tank Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) and Rome-based International Affairs Institute (IAI) have initiated "Talking Turkey" European Network Project with the intention of generating a better understanding of EU [More]
Hugh Pope Spoke at TEPAV
27/08/2007 Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) organized a meeting in which Mr. Hugh Pope, the Turkey expert of the International Crisis Group (ICG) spoke regarding ICG's recently published "Turkey and Europe: The Way Ahead" report. As the mai [More]
Evaluation Note / Oya Memişoğlu&Aslı T. Esen: "The Sad Story Of The Failure To Start Economic and Monetary Union Negotiations"
28/06/2007 "Although the number of negotiation chapters to be opened for Turkey in yesterday's Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) had previously been announced as "two or three", the decision of the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER) to limit the [More]
Memorandum of Understanding Signed Regarding Oxford-Ankara Cooperation
30/05/2007 A memorandum of understanding envisaging cooperation between the University of Oxford and TOBB ETU, METU, and TEPAV in the fields of academic education and policy research was signed at a ceremony held at the METU Culture and Congress Centre on May 3 [More]
Policy Note / Asli Toksabay Esen: "Absorption Capacity of the EU and Turkish Accession: Definitions and Comments"
09/05/2007 This paper aims to analyze the woolly concept of absorption (or integration, after the recent decision of the European Commission to replace the former) capacity with particular reference to the case of Turkey. [More]
The Technical Workshop on Impact Analysis Project Has Been Performed
07/05/2007 The Technical Workshop on the "Strengthening the Capacity of Impact Analysis, Awareness Raising, and Implementation on Environment in the EU Accession Process" Project has been realized at TEPAV building over the period, 7-10 May 2007.   The repre [More]
Energy Working Group Held Its First Meeting on "European Energy Security and Turkey".
23/03/2007 The first meeting of the Energy Working Group, established by the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), TOBB University of Economics and Technology, and London Information Network on Conflict and State Building (LINKS) took place on [More]