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Keywords: 20

Second Borrell report: life saver or “Plus ça change plus la même chose” Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
05/12/2023     The European Union (EU) has been looking for ways and means to engage with Türkiye for quite some time, actually after the country’s accession negotiations have effectively come to a standstill in 2018. The main factors influencing the [More]
A new strategy for Türkiye is on the way Evaluation Note/ Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
01/08/2023     The leaders of the European Union (EU) member states came together last week for one of their biannual summits. While these summits, which used to be closely followed in the past, are no longer of interest to anyone except those working dir [More]
The European Coal and Steel Community Is the Answer to the Drilling Problem in Cyprus Where there is a will, there is a perfect way Policy Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp  
Haber Resim
09/12/2019     EU is known to be a successful peace project. It all started after the II World War with the joint management of coal and steel that are the essential elements of weapons. European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), by pooling coal and steel [More]
Upgrading Customs Union Between Turkey And The European Union Is Not Only About Upgrading Customs Union Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp  
Haber Resim
19/02/2018   As they generally say for football, currently the process of up upgrading customs union between Turkey and the European Union (EU) is not only about upgrading customs union. Although the initial motive was rather technical and economic, current [More]
Release of ENC Report – A Modernized EU-Turkey Customs Union – Expert Interviews and Analysis
Haber Resim
11/04/2017 The European Neighbourhood Council (ENC) published its ENC Report entitled “A Modernized EU-Turkey Customs Union” – Expert Interviews and Analysis with in-depth interviews from relevant government policy makers inside the EU and Turkey, inclu [More]
Conference on “Germany, Turkey and the Syrian Refugee Crisis” ESI Founding Chairman Gerald Knaus delivered a presentation on the refugee influx to the EU member states and the importance of Turkey’s “readmission agreement.”
Haber Resim
02/03/2016 ANKARA - On the 26th of February, 2016, TEPAV together with the European Stability Initiative’ (ESI), held a conference on the Syrian Refugee Crisis. In detail, the conference titled ‘How Germany and Turkey can save the liberal Europe and the E [More]
Turkey-EU Relations in the Light of the 2014 Progress Report: Same Old Song With A Different Meaning Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp
Haber Resim
21/10/2014 "The 2014 Progress Report of the European Commission for Turkey was published in an atmosphere of a new Turkish opening to the European Union (EU). It is worth to have a look at whether there is a sound basis for hope for  a promising new era  in [More]
EU Director Eralp Stressed Turkey’s Potential For Neighbourhood Policy of EU Nilgün Arısan Eralp gave a speech at the meeting themed “Europe with a View to the Future”.
Haber Resim
08/11/2013   GDANSK - TEPAV EU Director Nilgün Arısan Eralp gave a speech at the meeting themed “Europe with a View to the Future” of European Solidarity Center in Gdansk (Poland) on 8th of November, 2013. Delivering a presentation at the second day [More]
Launch Event of Transatlantic Trends 2013 Report at TEPAV The meeting held to present the results of the survey that measures public opinion in the US, Europe and Turkey was attended by the US and EU Ambassadors.
Haber Resim
18/09/2013 ANKARA – The 2013 results of the annual Transatlantic Trends Survey carried out by the German Marshall Fund of United States (GMF) were released with a meeting at TEPAV on Wednesday, 18 September. Following the opening addresses by H.E. Ambassad [More]
Eduard Soler i Lecha - "Spain and Turkey: Can Relations Further Widen and Deepen?" The tenth edition of the Turkey Policy Brief Series is authored by Eduard Soler i Lecha, Research Coordinator at CIDOB, Barcelona Center for International Affairs.
Haber Resim
14/06/2013   "During the past few decades, Spain-Turkey relations have experienced a substantial positive change in several areas including political dialogue, economic partnerships and socio-cultural linkages. The establishment of high-level political summ [More]