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What is Going on at the GARAJ? An Overview at the End of the First Semester Evaluation Note / Ussal Şahbaz
Haber Resim
24/06/2013 "The first Demo Day of the GARAJ Entrepreneurship Center, which was opened in January 2013 on the campus TOBB University of Economics and Technology at the ground floor of the TEPAV Building, was held on Thursday, June 20. The Demo Day is kind of a [More]
TEPAV Assesses the New Incentive Package: “The best package so far, but there is more to do” TEPAV's note stressed that the package alone cannot help Turkey reach the 2023 targets and that the need for reform in many fields was continuing.
Haber Resim
10/04/2012 ANKARA - TEPAV, stressing that the new incentive package was the most comprehensive and technically-correct incentive regulation so far, said that the package alone could not fulfill the 2023 targets and that the need for a structural reform agenda [More]
The New Investment Incentive Package and the Other Turkey Commentary/Esen Çağlar
Haber Resim
09/04/2012 "The new investment incentive package was announced at the beginning of April. According to the initial reflections in the media, everyone is quite content with it. I would be too, if I was an investor here. It seems that the incentive experts [More]
Today and the Future of Licensed Warehousing During a meeting organized in the context of the project carried out by TEPAV in collaboration with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the parties exchanged views on extending licensed warehousing.
Haber Resim
19/03/2012   ANKARA – TEPAV and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) launched a joint project on the licensed warehousing and warehouse receipts system, which despite a decade-long history in Turkey has not become prevalent. In this [More]