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Keywords: Gender

TEPAV Prepares a Gender Equality Scorecard for 81 Cities The study suggests that the gender gap is smallest in Istanbul, Tunceli, Bolu, Düzce, and Eskişehir.
Haber Resim
29/01/2014   ANKARA - TEPAV prepared a gender equality scorecard for 81 provinces in Turkey. In the context of the study, a Local Gender Equality Index and a Local Gender Empowerment Index were developed and cities were compared on the basis of indicators s [More]
Domestic Violence: An Issue for International or Domestic Legislation Report / Feride İnan
Haber Resim
01/08/2013 "The gang-rape of the 23-year-old physiotherapy student in a Delhi bus last December, who died from severe injuries as a result, received global media attention. In India the incident unleashed heated debates over national rape laws as well as thei [More]
The Merih Celasun Award Winner: “The Extension of Compulsory Education Has Reduced the Number of Child Brides.” A study that examines the impact of education on marriage and birth rates reveals that the reform has increased the schooling rates for girls, especially in the rural Turkey.
Haber Resim
28/05/2013   ANKARA – The extension of compulsory education from five to eight years has increased schooling rates and decreased the number of teenage marriage and births in Turkey. The findings of the TEPAV 2012 Merih Celasun Award winner study, titled [More]
TEPAV Dances to Protest Violence against Women… TEPAV danced alongside the world to protest violence against women.
Haber Resim
14/02/2013   ANKARA – TEPAV supported the campaign which invited one billion people worldwide to protest violence against women on Thursday, February 14th, 2013. TEPAV personnel gathered at a dance event to rise up in protest of violence against women in [More]
Turkey’s Female Labor Force Challenge on Europe’s Development Agenda TEPAV Director Sak stated that low female labor force participation rate of Turkey stems from demand and supply problems of the labor market.
Haber Resim
16/10/2012   BRUSSELS – TEPAV Director Güven Sak talked about the situation of female labor force in Turkey in this year’s European Development Days, the prominent forum on international relations and development cooperation in Europe organized by the [More]
Women Speak about the Constitution on March 8th Around 500 women attended the Citizens’ Assembly held on International Women’s Day.
Haber Resim
08/03/2012 ANKARA – A special meeting of the Constitution Platform Citizens’ Assembly series was held on International Women’s Day, March 8, with the participation of women only. The sixth meeting of the series, which was held on a weekday with a specia [More]