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Keywords: 20

Beliefs, Institutions, and Learning: Towards A New Order in the New Global Economy? Evaluation Note / Sumru Altug  
Haber Resim
29/06/2015   The global financial crisis of 2007-2008 has been termed as the most synchronized recession since the Great Depression in the 1930’s. In its aftermath, we are observing a multitude of changes in the global economy and global governance. For o [More]
Think20 Event in Washington Brings Together Ali Babacan and Think Tanks Think20 Event in Washington brings together Turkey’s Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan and representatives from leading think tanks.
Haber Resim
21/04/2015   Washington -  TEPAV organized the Think-20 meeting titled ‘“Challenges to the Global Economy and the Role of the G-20” on April 16 at the Ronald Reagan building in Washington D.C. The keynote speaker Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan dr [More]
TEPAV and KIEP Share Experiences in G20 Cooperation A meeting jointly organized by TEPAV and its Korean counterpart KIEP opened to discussion the roles of the Korea and Turkey in G20 and their industrial policy experiences.
Haber Resim
13/03/2015 ANKARA – In the context of its T20 agenda, TEPAV organized a meeting meeting with the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP) on Friday, 13 March 2015. The meeting was opened by Bozkurt Aran, Director of TEPAV Center for Multilat [More]
G20 Sherpa Ayşe Sinirlioğlu in Seoul… Sinirlioğlu, during her visit to South Korea for the MIKTA meeting, also met with KIEP to discuss Turkey’s T20 agenda.
Haber Resim
26/02/2015 SEOUL – G20 Turkey Sherpa Ayşe Sinirlioğlu made a visit to South Korea for the senior officials’ meeting of MIKTA, an informal cooperation body formed by Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia. Sinirlioğlu also held a meeting [More]
T20 Turkey Public Launch Held in Istanbul Opened with the welcoming remarks by TEPAV Director Sak, the event hosted Deputy Prime Minister Babacan, TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, and ITO Chair Çağlar.
Haber Resim
11/02/2015 ISTANBUL – Public launch of the T20 Turkey, one of the G20 outreach groups of which represents think-tanks, was held on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 with a meeting themed “Transforming Global Governance.” Opened with welcoming remarks by Güv [More]
Think-Tank Representatives from 20 Countries Convene in Istanbul for the T20 Launch During the two-day event, an intensive program was carried out in nine meeting sessions.
Haber Resim
10/02/2015 ISTANBUL - Representatives from think-tanks based in 20 countries convened in Istanbul for the T20 Turkey launch, carrying out an intensive program during the two-day event. On the first day, T20 participants met at the Boğaziçi University recto [More]
TEPAV and Chatham House Release Joint Recommendations for a More Effective G20 Final meeting of the project “Managing Complexity in the G20” was held in Istanbul.
Haber Resim
09/02/2015 ISTANBUL – Final meeting of the project entitled “Managing Complexity in the G20” coordinated by TEPAV and Chatham House under the financing of British Embassy through the Global Prosperity Fund was held.   An event was organized by TEPAV, [More]
Labor 20 Launch Held in Ankara Attending the launch event, Bozkurt Aran, Director of the TEPAV Multilateral Trade Studies Center, informed the attendees about TEPAV’s priorities for the T20.
Haber Resim
04/02/2015 ANKARA – The launch event of the Labor 20 (L20), one of the five outreach groups of G20, was held in Ankara on Wednesday, 4 February, 2015. Discussions during the meeting, entitled “Job-Generating Growth, Fair Wages, and Inclusive Development, [More]
“Protectionist Measures have Reduced LDC Export Growth by 23.8%” Launched at TEPAV, a report prepared for the Government of Sweden investigated how protectionist policies of the post-2008 crisis era affected export-led growth and development performance across LDCs.
Haber Resim
29/01/2015 ANKARA – On Thursday, 29 January, 2015, a meeting was held at TEPAV to launch a report entitled “Throwing Sand in the Wheels: How Protectionism Slowed LDC Export-Led Growth.” According to the report, protectionist policies have reduced export [More]
The T20 Advisory Council Convened at TEPAV Council members discussed the T20 activities to be carried out in 2015
Haber Resim
07/01/2015 ANKARA – TEPAV, which has undertook the organization and the coordination of Think 20 (T20) outreach group in 2015 during Turkey’s G20 presidency, hosted the T20 National Advisory Council to exchange information on the activities to be carried [More]