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Has there been a rapprochement between Turkey and the west after the invasion of Ukraine? Evaluation Note / Nilgün Arısan Eralp
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21/03/2023     It has been more than a year since Russia has invaded Ukraine and no one knows where this war is heading to.  According to Fiona Hill , most probably the World will face an unstable stalemate in this case. We are neither sure about how it [More]
“Russia’s War Against Ukraine – The Ukrainian Perspective” TEPAV welcomed the Ambassador of Ukraine to Ankara, Mr. Vasyl Bodnar.
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12/04/2022     ANKARA - TEPAV hosted the Ambassador of Ukraine to Ankara, Mr. Vasyl Bodnar for a discussion on “Russia’s War against Ukraine – The Ukrainian Perspective” on Thursday, On April 7th, 2022. On this occasion the Ambassador presented hi [More]