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Keywords: 30

TEPAV: The Crisis Improved the Adaptation Capacity of Turkey’s Exports In the crisis period, Turkey's ranking decreased from the 8th place to 18th in terms of competitiveness whereas the adaptation to the emerging markets increased from 14th place to 4th.
Haber Resim
29/03/2011 ANKARA- TEPAV analyzed Turkey's competitiveness and adaptation to emerging markets as two key factors necessitated for a sustainable and strong export performance. Findings about Turkey and other countries in the same income group maintained that a [More]
World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects Report Discussed at TEPAV The Global Economic Prospects 2011 report by the World Bank was discussed at TEPAV by World Bank officials and economists with a special focus on the prospects for Turkey.
Haber Resim
21/01/2011 ANKARA - The Global Economic Prospects 2011: Navigating Strong Currents report recently published by the World Bank was discussed at a meeting held at TEPAV on Friday, January 21, 2011. Speaking at the opening of the meeting, TEPAV Economic Stud [More]
TEPAV: "Turkey’s Sovereign Rating Cannot be Upgraded Easily " TEPAV stated that Turkey strongly needs a new economic program to enjoy an improvement in sovereign rating beyond the level enabled by the success following the 2001 crisis.
Haber Resim
09/01/2011 ANKARA- TEPAV answered the long-debated question why Turkey's sovereign rating is not upgraded and emphasized that the problem stems from a number of factors including current account deficit, and volatility of growth and of exchange rate. Stressin [More]
TEPAV: "One Third of the Economic Recovery Completed…" TEPAV stated that Turkey achieved an impressive growth performance whereas the recovery process in unemployment and exports could not be completed yet.
Haber Resim
04/01/2011 ANKARA- TEPAV examined the performance of Turkey's economy in 2010 relying on the key macroeconomic indicators. Production and consumption indicators for 2010 indicated that the economy has regained the pace before the crisis whereas unemployment [More]
Evaluation Note / Sarp Kalkan Short term fund inflows are harmful for banks
Haber Resim
30/12/2010 The monetary easing followed by the central banks in developed countries, FED to begin with, elevated short term fund flows towards developing countries including Turkey. Since the primary channel of entry for fund flows is the banking sector, [More]
Evaluation Note/Erhan Türbedar, PhD Romanian Government Shaken By Economic Crisis
Haber Resim
04/11/2010 Romanian cities have recently been the stage for mass demonstrations to protest against the measures the government has taken to safeguard the economy. Romanians' support for the Emil Bok government is steadily waning because of the political measu [More]
Post-crisis prescription for Turkey: "Tight monetary policy instead of capital controls" At the panel titled "How to Manage Capital Flows" organized by Global Development Learning Network, Anne Krueger recommended 'tight monetary policy' to Turkey in response to the question of TEPAV as to which policies other than capital controls could Turkey implement.
Haber Resim
11/10/2010 ANKARA - At the panel titled "How to Manage Capital Flows" organized by Global Development Learning Network, a World Bank Organization' the question on the management of capital flows after the crisis, posed by TEPAV on behalf of Turkey was discuss [More]
TEPAV: “Large Firms are Still Cautious” TEPAV stated that though large firms started to recover from the 2008 crisis, they remained cautious in terms of investment behaviors.
27/09/2010 ANKARA - TEPAV stated that though large firms affected adversely by the 20008 crisis started to recover, they remained cautious particularly in terms of investments. Policy note "From the 2008 Crisis to Today: Large Firms are Still Cautious" by TE [More]
TEPAV: "Measures to Support Export Performance are Needed" TEPAV states that in order to maintain the impressive growth performance, Turkey has to introduce measures that will ensure the sustainability of the rise in private investments and regard recovery in exports.
Haber Resim
22/09/2010 ANKARA- TEPAV stated that in order to maintain the impressive growth performance, Turkey has to introduce measures that will ensure the sustainability of the rise in private investments and regard recovery in exports and warned that otherwise, alon [More]
Global Economy and Significance of G20 was Discussed at TEPAV
Haber Resim
08/06/2010   ANKARA- TEPAV and Canada Embassy organized a meeting to discuss the significance of G20 at the eve of G20 Toronto Summit to be held on June 26-27 2010. Opening speeches were delivered by Prof. Dr. Güven Sak, TEPAV Director, Serap Özcoşkun, De [More]