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Phone: +90 312 292 5500Fax: +90 312 292 5555 / is a non-profit, non-partisan research institution that contributes to the policy design process through data-driven analysis, adhering to academic ethics and quality without compromise.
Last Tuesday we said "Let go the empty talks and see what we should do." In this context, we first focused on the corporate sector. It seems that...
IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss Kahn underlined three points in his speech in Spain: first is the banks shall be recapitalized in a...
Central Bank of the USA, FED cut down the interest rates to zero. Furthermore, it announced that the expansion in its own balance sheet is a...
Avila Mountain is almost 3000 meters high. At one side of el Avila, there stands the Caribbean Sea and at other side stands the Caracas city....
Almost two thirds of the national income of the world (according to the development indicators of the World Bank) originates from two countries:...