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    The young people are here; where are the workers?

    Güven Sak, PhD21 October 2011 - Okunma Sayısı: 970

    Polls reveal that 86% of American workers agree with the protestors.

    “And, my friends, in this story you have a history of this entire movement. First, they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you. And that is what is going to happen to the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America.” This controversial quotation is from 1918, and belonged to Mahatma Gandi, according to claims. Now forget about who said it. Let me assess this statement with respect to the residents of Zuccotti Park. First, everyone ignored them. Then they ridiculed them. We are rapidly approaching the “burning” phase now. However, they have not been able to kick the “Occupy Wall Street” protestors out of Zuccotti Park in New York.

    The tradition of leftist populism has surfaced for the first time since the 1960s. Then, leftist populism was as strong as rightist populism. The rightist populism of the Tea Party has shaken the Republican Party; now it appears that this might change it. In this vein, the wave of leftist populism might shake and wake up the Democrat Party. It appears that the movement is finding its class base. It appears that the strongest support of the youth in Park will come from the labor class, that the workers have received the message. No one likes bankers in America. Besides, they are few in number. Then, we have an issue to deal with. Let me tell you why.

    As you will remember, I made an early assessment on the Occupy Wall Street protests when the movement first began. On October 4th, I wrote in Radikal, ““Help the rich, have mercy on them.”  This was how the Zuccotti Park residents hit the streets, ridiculing. Merry opposition is always amusing. I concluded, “What if the number of protestors in Zuccotti Park grows? President Obama will become able to take influential steps in line with the famous maxim of Maynard Keynes, ’In the long run we are all dead.’ Timid expansionary policies can be replaced with proper steps in the right direction. A mutual understanding is growing that the focus must be shifted immediately from stability to employment.”

    Recent polls conducted in the US reveal two outcomes. First, the second most common news story in the press in the post-crisis period has been the anti-banking sector demonstrations. The significance of demonstrators in the eyes of the public has grown. If you do not believe me, please check the website of the Pew Research Center. Second, the Zuccotti Park residents are being supported by white men and women without university degrees. This group represents the American working class. According to the latest polls, 56% of the group agrees with the protestors while 31% disagree. What does this mean? They do not know who the protestors are, but they agree with their reasons for being on the street. Let me tell you what this is. This movement might actually increase the chance of Obama of winning the elections. Today only 26% of the working class supports President Obama. I believe Obama will soon realize what step could earn some support for him. Then, what will happen? The “employment instead of stability” approach will gain ground, backing banks will become more difficult. Merkel and Sarkozy are aware that they will lower their chances in the 2012 elections if they bail out the European banks. In the end, rapid economic rebalancing will become even less likely.

    The residents of Zuccotti Park have managed to stir up the whole world. Last weekend the world became engulfed in the fire of upheaval. We came to see that the masses are angry. We learned that nobody loves bankers. I think we have to read this situation as evidence that the new normal will not be at all similar to the old one. Meanwhile, 47% of Americans think that Wall Street hurts the American economy more than it helps, while 38% believe that it is helpful. It seems that the wheel of history will turn backwards from now on. Let’s wait and see.

    By the way, let me remind you once again: More than a century ago, Karl Marx said that socialism primarily is a reality of developed counties. And here is the working class in Zuccotti Park!


    This commentary was published in Radikal daily on 21.10.2011
